Pial Kalan

Pial Kalan is a village and union council in Tehsil and District Kasur, province Punjab, Pakistan. It is situated in south west of Kasur city. Distance between Kasur city and Pial Kalan is around 38 kilometers. Nearest main town is Khudian Khas which is around 15 km away from it. It is one of the largest villages of this area with respect to population and area. Its population is approximately 15000. It is located one kilometer north of Usmanwala. Its surrounding areas are Roday, Pial-khurd, Dhing Shah, Chah rakh wala and Nain Waal. Most of its residents are linked with agriculture and farming. Punjabi is the main language spoken in this town. Most of the people belong to Sunni Muslim sect. Arain, Mein and Kamboh are the main castes of this village.

This village is connected to Depalpur Kasur road by two roads, one ending up at Dhing Shah and the other ending at Khudian khas. There is one basic health unit in this town. There are 4 main residential areas of Pial Kalan, Ittehad Colony, Mohallah Araian, Mohallah Kambohan wala, and Mian Mohallah.

Pial kalan village District kasur.

Schools in Pial kalan:

There are following Government and private schools in Pial Kalan:

Govt. Girls High School GGHS

Govt. Primary School Boys 01

Government Primary School 02

The Educators School

Roads and infrastructure:

Main road leading through this town is reasonably well built as compared to roads inside the village. This main road connects it with Usman wala in the south and Dhing Shah in the north west. Most of the roads inside the village are damaged and cause inconvenience to its inhabitants especially during rainy season. Road leading to Dhing shah village remained under construction for a long time which caused great trouble to the people of this area and finally it was completed in the end of year 2022.